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时间:2012-01-04 06:35来源:杨银娣 作者:带头三哥 中国法律网

This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:



Item No. Description

名称及规格 Unit

单位 Qty

数量 Unit Price (FOB Chongqing)

($)单价 Amount (FOB Chongqing)


1 Mould of Plough VD0 and VD00 Sets 1 4847.36 4847.36

2 Mould of Furrower AE0 and AE1 Sets 1 2371.94 2371.94

Mould TOTAL VALUE:US $7219.3(Say U.S. Dollars Seven Thousand Two Hundred And Nineteen Point Three Only)

3 Plough VD0 Sets according to order 37.36 according to order

4 Plough VD00 Sets according to order 35.36 according to order

5 Furrower AE0 without SGC93 Sets according to order 6.90 according to order

6 SGC93 Sets according to order 3.67 according to order

7 Furrower AE1 Sets according to order 11.50 according to order

TOTAL VALUE:医疗。US $ according to order(Say U.S. Dollars according to order Only)

Other terms 1:

In the future, if the steel floating price will change no more than ±5%, the quotation is no change; if the steel floating price will change more than ±5%, the price be fixed by through negotiation by both sides. The table below list the steel price now.


Q235 0.56 δ3 δ10

65MN 0.85 δ4 δ15

45# 0.74 δ5 φ14

δ2 0.64 δ6 φ22

Other terms 2:

In the future, if the current RMB price of the US dollar will change between 7.5~7.7, the quotation is no change; if the current RMB price of the US dollar will change exceed 7.5~7.7, the price be fixed by through negotiation by both sides.



原产国及制造商: China Chongqing Sanxia Machinery Factory 重庆市北碚三峡机械厂

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