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时间:2012-02-04 20:31来源:网上再见 作者:见斋 中国法律网
有限责任公司:limited liability company A limited liability company, commonly called an "LLC," is a business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. Like owners of partnerships or sole proprietorships, LLC owners report business profits or losses on their personal income tax returns; the LLC itself is not a separate taxable entity. Like owners of a corporation, however, all LLC owners are protected from personal liability for business debts and claims -- a feature known as "limited liability." This means that if the business owes money or faces a lawsuit for some other reason, only the assets of the business itself are at risk. Creditors usually can't reach the personal assets of the LLC owners, such as a house or car. (Both LLC owners and corporate shareholders can lose this protection by acting illegally, unethically, or irresponsibly.) For these reasons, many people say the LLC combines the best features of the partnership and corporate business structures. 有限责任公司又称有限公司,是指符合法律规定的股东出资组建,股东以其出资额为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任的企业法人。有限责任公司与股份有限公司的共同点是: (1)股东都对公司承担有限责任。无论在有限责任公司中,还是在股份有限公司中,股东都对公司承担有限责任,“有限责任”的范围,都是以股东公司的投资额为限。 (2)股东的财产与公司的财产是分离的,股东将财产投资公司后,该财产即构成公司的财产,股东不再直接控制和支配这部分财产。同时,公司的财产与股东没有投资到公司的其他财产是没有关系的,即使公司出现资不抵债的情况,股东也只以其对公司的投资额承担责任,不再承担其他的责任。 (3)有限责任公司和股份有限公司对外都是以公司的全部资产承担责任。也就是说,公司对外也是只承担有限的责任,“有限责任”的范围,就是公司的全部资产,除此之外,公司不再承担其他的财产责任。 股份有限公司:joint stock (limited) company A joint stock company is a type of business partnership in which the capital is formed by the individual contributions of a group of shareholders. Certificates of ownership or stocks are issued by the company in return for each contribution, and the shareholders are free to transfer their ownership interest at any time by selling their stockholding to others. Advantages Ownership of stock confers a number of privileges. The company is managed on behalf of the shareholders by an elected Board of Directors. Consequently, the share owner may attend an annual general meeting, and vote for directors and sometimes the principal officers. The shareholders receive an annual report, and vote upon the yearly audited set of accounts. Other resolutions upon important decisions can be put to them. There are other meetings, which may be called, either regularly or by special resolution of either the Board or the shareholders themselves. Of course, individual shareholders can sometimes stand for directorships within the company, should a vacancy occur, but this is unusual. The shareholders are usually liable for any company debts that exceed the company's ability to pay. However, the limit of their liability only extends to the face value of their shareholding. Ordinary shares entitle the owner to a share in the company's net profit. This is calculated in the following way: the net profit is divided by the total number of owned shares, producing a notional value per share, known as a dividend. The individual's share of the profit is thus the dividend multiplied by the number of shares that they own. 股份有限公司:是指公司资产,分为等额股份,股东与其所持股份,对公司承担责任,公司与其全部资产,对公司的债务承担责任的法人 股份有限公司也称股份公司, 它和有限责任公司一起人为是现代公司两大基本形式。在英美法系中,股份公司被称为是公开公司或公众公司,它是通过发行股票集资、资本分为等额股份,以一定法律程序组建的以其全部资产对公司债务承负有限责任的公司。(抄底时机到了!这些股很快就要涨了...) 股份有限公司的特征有如下几点: 1、股份有限公司是法人。股份有限公司按照一定的章程、法律程序设立,它以自己独立的法人资格取得资产,承担债务,自主运营,独立地履行民事权利和义务。 2、股份有限公司的股东的责任是有限的。股东对公司的债务仅以自己股本额为限承负有限责任。公司法人也仅以公司本身的全部资产为限对债务承负有限责任。股东的其他财产与公司债务无关。(剖析主流资金真实目的,发现最佳获利机会!) 3、股份有限公司的资本划分为若干等额股份,股权平等。股份公司通过发行股票筹集资本,股东按持股比例拥有相应的权利和义务。一股一权、一权一利一责,股权平等。在这里,股东的个人身份、名誉、地位不再具有意义,任何人持有公司的股票,他就是公司的股东,享有相应的权利和义务。 4、股份有限公司的股东不得少于法律规定的最低限额,但无最高数额限制。由于股份有限公司在当代市场经济中具有十分重要的地位和作用,因此,各国法律对股份公司中股东人数的最低限额都作了明确具体的规定。如美国、法国、日本规定为7人,德国规定为5人,我国的《公司法》则规定“应有5人以上为发起人”。由于股份公司是通过发行股票的方式把社会上广为分散的资本集中起来经营,因此股权是相当分散的,也因此股东人数是无需有最高限额规定的。 5、股份有限公司的资产成为法人财产。在这里,财产的终极所有权和企业法人所有权明确地分离开来,经营权也和财产的终极所有权分离开来。股份公司集资成立后,其资产独立化为法人资产,股东是公司资产的最终所有者,其产权转化为股权,他握有公司的股票,享有股权赋予的一切权利,但不得直接干预公司经营,企业法人是公司资产的法人所有者,享有充分的自主经营权。 6、股份有限公司的股票不可退回,但可自由转让,具有充分的流通性。这一特征是公司经营的稳定性、连续性的需要,只有保证法人资产的完整性、稳定性,公司运营才能连续和稳定。但股东可转让和买卖股票,股票的转让和买卖,事实上就是股权的转让和买卖,股票一旦转让或卖出,相应的权利和义务也随之转让和卖出。 7、股份有限公司实行财务公开原则。各国公司法一般都规定股份有限公司必须定期公布其财务状况和经营状况,定期将年度报告和有关的财务报表,如经营报告书、资产负责表、损益表、盈利分配表、财产目录等公诸于众,以便加强社会公众对公司的了解和监督,保护股东和债权人利益。 8、股份公司有严密科学的管理体制。董事会、股东代表大会,由董事会聘用的总经理,(有的还设有监事会)权、责、利明确,形成了相互制衡的高效运转的机制,从而保证了企业具有长期行为,保证了所有者、经营者、劳动者各方面的利益。
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