1.Part A---Applicant’s details1 .Your full name
2.Your residential address 建议:填写邮寄地址。
3.Daytime telephone number 不多解释。
5.Date of Birth( 略)
6.Intended occupation /activity in Australia提名职业(见您的职业评估结果)
7.Previous occupations in the last 5 years根据您的简历填写您的最新的职业(无需与提名职业一致)8.Counties in which you have lived in the last 5 years.没出去过,就填P R China
9.if you live in Australia
10.How long do u intend staying in Australia?技术移民都填 Permanently
11.For which visa class are you applying?独立技术填Skilled – Independent (class BN, Subclass 136)担保类填 Skilled – Australian Sponsored (class BQ, subclass 138)区域担保类填 Skilled – Designated Area Sponsored (class BQ, subclass 139)12.Have u lodged an application at an office of the Department of immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs?一般填写yes. Which office? Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre
其他的基本都是NO. or N/A了。
Part B – Applicant’s declaration签名,没什么好解释的,如果有16岁以下的子女要父母代签!
Par D – Applicant to complete姓名,地址没什么好说的。
Name and address of office concerned:Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre
1st floor, 55 Currie Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Australia Postcode: SA 5000
My file number is : OSF 2003/000***